It’s so good to be home in Tororo. Traveling was full of adventure, but its nice to be back to familiar faces and places. I couldn’t wait to just be settled again and return to SMILE and see all my beautiful children!
What a homecoming it was! As soon as the team entered the gate, we were met with hugs and hands all around. They were shouting our names and jumping- they were so excited we had returned. It felt so good to pick them up, squeeze them so tight and kiss their cute faces. I felt so much love.
I have been asking for prayers for all my children especially those dealing with illness. Thank you so much for your continued support in praying, and I know many of you are wondering if there have been any improvements or changes.
My sweet Alapen recovered from Malaria, but after Christmas he became sick again with some kind of respiratory infection. He had a mean cough and no energy at all, but we got him some medication and noticed improvements. However, while we were traveling this past week we got word from the long-term missionary that Alapen was very sick again. They thought it might be complications with Malaria, and a staff member at SMILE had to threaten his mother to take him to the hospital. I’m not sure how long he stayed there, but on Friday at SMILE he came walking in all alone. I was surprised to see him there and asked around if he had been discharged or his mother just took him out. No one seemed to have the same answer. In our clinic at SMILE Stephanie checked him out, and he seemed to be feeling better. I didn’t mind babying him all day and letting him sleep in my arms for several hours. I love watching him sleep- his eyes, his cheeks, his lips, his little hands- everything looked so relaxed- so at peace. My Alapen seems stronger today, but please continue to pray for his health and his mother’s wisdom and love for him.
Chulu (the malnourished baby) is back at SMILE and looking much healthier. I am not sure if she stayed for full treatment at the hospital either, but I can report that her swelling is down and she has gained weight. At SMILE we have separated the babies away from all the other children so that may get more attention, quiet sleep, and they are being fed a special formula mixed with milk instead of porridge and rice. Praise God for Chulu’s improvements- for saving her life. Pray that her body continues to grow and develop, and that eventually she will run and play with the other children.
As for Nerod (the malnourished 9 yr old), we haven’t heard anything. His mother never returned to the clinic, and Pastor Ruth hasn’t been able to find them. Please continue to pray for Nerod and his family- that God will protect them, comfort them, give them wisdom and strength.
I had briefly mentioned a young girl who has been struggling with abuse. While I don’t know her situation at home, I can report that her behavior and spirit at SMILE has improved. She seems so full of life and energetic! She no longer isolates herself but instead is playing and laughing with friends. Something is different within her- I can tell that when she is at SMILE she feels safe and loved.
There are still many dealing with sickness and everyday a new child tests positive for Malaria, so the health of the children is still a concern and always needs prayer. Yet these children have come a long way. In the two years SMILE has been in place, many of these street children came malnourished and near death. Many have overcome sickness and have grown to be healthier, happier children. These children have hope at SMILE. God is hard at work here.
Shia is my most recent heartbreak. Shia is a six-year-old boy with severe scabies. Because it has gone untreated for quite some time, he has open sores all along his arms and inner thighs that cause him physical and emotional pain. The sores seem to make him miserable and cause him embarrassment and shame. Many of the children won’t touch him or come near him, and at bath time he is stared at and made to stand all alone. It’s heartbreaking. What is so frustrating is scabies is so easy to treat…when you have the treatment. At this moment, the clinic doesn’t have anything and there is differing opinions on whether its scabies or not. My team feels knowledgeable about Shia’s condition, and we are in the process of treating him out of our own pocket. Scabies is common around SMILE because of their poor living conditions at home or on the streets. With medication, we can treat it and hopefully bring relief to Shia and others. Please pray for Shia’s skin to heal quickly and for his heart from the rejection and pain he has felt.
Now for a praise at my American home! On January 13 at 1:53 pm, a beautiful baby Carkuff was born into this world! My brother Jeff and his wife Jessica welcomed a healthy 8lb. 5 oz. 22in. baby boy, Jimmy Thomas Carkuff. I cannot wait to meet my handsome nephew when I return! My heart longs to be with my family during this exciting time, but I know I must put all of me into my Ugandan home- for my time here is limited.
We continue to read your updates and be proud of your work and your person. We are homesick for you. Be safe and know that we think about you every day. Love, love, love.
Beth Ann,
Love reading about your trip...but a bungee jump ...really:) Wanted to let you know we received our referral!!!!! A precious 2 month old baby boy. We are excited beyond words and are anxiously awaiting our court date. I can't send or post pictures yet but he is precious. Let me know if you end up near Ethiopia and I'll get you to go love on him for us.
Miss you
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