“This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands.” 1 John 5:2



(That's Swahili for Hi, how are you?)
My team and I arrived in Entebbe, Uganda yesterday around 4:30pm. We traveled 12 hrs on Emirates Airline to Dubai. I had never been on a plane that large- I was amazed by the amount of space (ten seats across) and the individual t.v. screen on the back of everyone's seat- the girls on my team could tell I don't get out much! We had smooth travel and everything went well with customs/baggage. We stayed overnight in a nice hotel in Dubai. While we were only there for a few hours, it was nice to sleep in a comfortable bed. After a little rest we were back at the airport- making our way to Africa. We made a stop in Ethiopia and then finally to Entebbe. By that time- we were so ready to be on the ground and IN UGANDA!! I was a little nervous about obtaining VISAs and finding our way around, but everything went well:)

Now to the good part. Lawrence, our sweet taxi driver, laughed when he saw the 15 pieces of luggage! He immediately called for a second taxi, "one for luggage, one for girls" He could tell right away we were American girls. I will say that several bags were supplies sent through A.I.M., but I admit we had too much stuff! We think we brought the basic essentials- we think we packed light- but we don't need anything. Ugandans don't. They live simply. I haven't been here long, but I can tell that they don't need "stuff" or possessions to be happy. I am envious of their simplicity.

The 35 min. taxi drive from Entebbe to Kampala was amazing! Words can't describe. I was trying not to blink because I was afraid to miss something. Traffic/roads in Uganda are similar to those in New York- people drive as if there are no rules and no one else on the road! Its not abnormal for the taxi to drive down the middle of the road in between two other cars...it was an experience to say the least. As we passed through town- the road is lined with stores/shacks with food and merchandise for sale. Kids are just playing- running- laughing-it was beautiful. The land is green and full- with rolling hills in the distance...its better than I imagined.

When we arrived at the A.I.M. guest house we were warmly welcomed by staff and WI-FI internet! We were surprised and excited to contact family and friends about our safe arrival. And just when we were missing home and our Thanksgiving traditions- the staff had prepared us dinner...turkey and dressing! So we got to experience Thanksgiving in Africa- and taste a little bit of home. We took a walk around the compound- then settled in to get some rest- we were all experiencing jet lag.

I rested so well in the African air - especially with a thunder storm through most of the morning- and my cold is clearing up...feeling much better:)
We had orientation here at the compound and then walked to the supermarket in town. As we walked down the road children were yelling "who are you? where are you from?" They are so curious...they want to know about Mazungus (white people). When we entered the store three little Ugandan girls yelled for us to wait because they wanted to "escort us". They were so beautiful. The oldest sister grabbed my hand- showed me the way. When we told them we were American their eyes lit up- like we were famous? like we were special? I didn't feel deserving.
Being American- being a visitor- comes with a responsibility. They watch your every move, they hang on your every word, so it is a wonderful opportunity to be an example of Christ.

We are leaving in the morning for Tororo to meet our long-term missionary and get settled in our house. We are traveling by way of the post bus- should take about 5 hrs...to go 115 miles! Roads and vehicles travel a little slower here in Africa:)
We have all enjoyed our stay in Kampala, but can't wait to get to Tororo!

I hope all is well in the states! Remember all we have to be thankful for- we are blessed...and so undeserving. We have an incredible God that loves us...and we all have a responsibility to be examples of Christ no matter where we are. All He ask is for us to love.

~ kwa heri (goodbye)


Eliz said...

I am SOOOO excited for you Beth Ann!!! This is soooo amazing and Im sending special prayers your way ALLL the time :) give some orphans a hug from me!!!

elizabeth austin

Anonymous said...

I'm living and learning through your journey. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Love you.

Jennifer said...

Beth Ann,
So glad you are there safe and sound. We think of you often and really enjoy catching up via blog. We are getting closer and closer in terms of our adoption. Will let you know when we hear something.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Beth Ann,

I think about you often and hope your mission is everything you prayed for. You are truly loving God and carrying out his commands, I am so proud of you. I love reading your blogs which are so informative and from the heart. You are and will be missed at our family gatherings. I hope your journey is a joyous and safe one.

Aunt Sarah

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