This past week I was out running errands for the upcoming golf tournament this weekend, and I called a dear friend of mine, Jennifer Connelly, to ask her advice/ run something by her. Jennifer has actually been helping me fundraise- giving me ideas- helping me organize several events. I began keeping her beautiful children when I was in High School and have always admired her and how she has raised her family. This past August we realized we had something in common- a call to Africa. The Connelly family is in the process of adopting a baby boy from Ethiopia. I know that this has been on her mind for quite sometime, and I admire her ability to step out on faith, to face the obstacles of adopting in order to bring a child into their loving home. And I can’t wait to babysit- to hold and to love another Connelly kid. (check out my links to The Connelly Adoption Story as well as
When I met up with Jennifer last Wednesday she was running errands, and she mentioned that a couple from Uganda was actually in town. Her children’s school is partnering with a school in Uganda to help provide sponsors and support for those children and teachers in need. So I jumped in the car and went to meet these wonderful people! Neither Jennifer nor I had planned this meeting, but God was allowing our paths to cross. As soon as I walked up Jennifer explained that I would be leaving for Uganda in a matter of days. They immediately embraced me- thanked me- and within two minutes (not knowing who I was or where I came from) asked me to spend Christmas with their family. They had given me a way to reach them if I needed anything at all….and they meant it. It’s comforting to have a family waiting for me on the other side of the world. My God is cool.
The golf tournament came. I was nervous about the weather, if I would have enough teams, if people would have a good time, if I would make any money. Well the weather couldn’t have been any more perfect. I had my family and friends show up to help (at 7 am!) And I had all my teams and more! At the end of the tournament I was counting and hoping that I had reached my goal of $1200. (this was the amount I needed to send to AIM in order to be financial cleared for my trip) I didn’t reach my goal….instead I went well above my goal! With several generous donations to add I made about $2000! My God is cool.
We simply can’t do it alone. When you hand it over to Him, it is amazing to see how everything falls into place. When you step out in faith, He will provide a way. He is that cool.
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