“This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands.” 1 John 5:2

home sweet home


We safely arrived back into the country! We made it just before the bulk of the snow storm in NY- as soon as we got through customs and immigration we looked up to see all arriving and departing flights had been canceled. If we had been any later we wouldn't have been able to land at JFK. Thank God for allowing us to land safely in America and for giving us beautiful snow to come home to:)

Our bodies were in a bit of a shock coming from the hot sun of Africa to a blizzard in NY, but we quickly adjusted as we dropped our luggage off at AIM headquarters and grabbed a sled to have a few minutes of fun in the snow! Three days prior we were debriefing by a pool in Kampala, Uganda and now we are playing in the snow?

We are having a day of debriefing and rest here, and then hope to catch our flights home. We are praying that the roads and runway will be cleared by later this afternoon so we can reach our families! Please pray for my team and I as we go our separate ways and adjust to life back in the States. As a team we having to process leaving Africa, coming home to America, and leaving each other. Here at headquarters we were each given our own separate rooms to relax and rest; however, we all went straight into one big room and piled five of us into three beds! We aren't ready to be away from each other just yet. Its amazing how God put us together and created a family among us. I love these women so much and have grown close to them through this experience, so pray for us also as we leave each other. There are many people and things I will miss in Africa, but I am excited to see my family and friends in Tennessee! I can't wait to hug y'all!


Anonymous said...

BA: thanks for sharing such personal experiences.

Your Genesis 31: 49 prayer made me cry. It wasn't until your going away party that I heard the story about that being something that Becky and mom shared. Learning something new about my mom after all this time is bittersweet.

Love you and glad you're home.

Bussy said...

I am so glad that you have arrived safely in the US! I can not believe that your experience is already over. I have just loved reading your blog! I will pray for safe arrival home :)

Jennifer said...

I am so glad to hear that you are home safe and sound. I sit here and just cry though at your good bye stories...you are such an angel and I can't imagine how bad those children are missing you. I would love to get together and squeeze your neck....call me when you get a minute! We leave to go pick up Sam on the 13th....I am beyond excited.

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