“This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands.” 1 John 5:2

the journey begins...


Its official. The countdown is over. I am going to Africa!

My team and I have just completed orientation here in Pearl River, New York (AIM headquarters). After team building exercises, lots of meetings/sessions, packing and repacking to make the weight requirements....we are ready to go! At this moment, we are sitting in the lobby waiting on the taxi to pick us up to begin our journey to Africa.

I am experiencing many emotions as it sets in that we are actually leaving. I am so excited...yet anxious and nervous about traveling- going through customs- getting VISAS- just praying that everything goes smoothly. And if it doesn't...we will get through it. I am just ready to be settled. I am ready to be in Uganda. I am ready to get to know my team better. I am ready to hold the children of Tororo. I am ready to share God's love with the people of Africa.

I don't know if I can express completely what I am feeling- but I'll try. I know I have never been to Africa- to Uganda- nor do I know the people- the children- I do not know their names- what they look like- I do not know who they are....and I love them. All of them. My heart is warm and overflowing with love for the orphans of Tororo. I can't wait for them to know how much I love them, but more importantly how much God loves them!

Please continue to pray for my team as we travel tonight and tomorrow. Please pray that I begin feeling better (I have been a little under the weather here in NY) so that I have the energy and strength to do what it is I need to do in Africa.

I do not know how often I will be able to reach Internet access, but I will blog as often as I can!
Thank you for your prayers and support! I love you all!


Bussy said...

I am so excited for you! Praying for a safe trip and that you get to feeling better. I will keep checking and try to catch your few updates. Mom and I are going to send money this week (sorry we are so late in getting that done). If you get an address where you can receive things while in Uganda please post. I would love to try and send you something! Love you girlie and will be praying for you!

Unknown said...

I am so excited for you Beth ann!!!Blog when you can...I will be waiting and watching for your updates as you live out Matthew 28:18-20...Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
I love your strength and courage as you go to Africa...not many people have that desire, but as Christians we all should have the same desire. Many have a difficult time sharing the gospel with those closest to us let alone people we don't even know! You are amazing! Go and share the love of God with all those you come in contact with..God is going to use you in a wonderful way...you are a beautiful, clean, pure vessel!!! We will be praying for you daily!

becky carkuff said...

Beth Ann,
We miss you this Thanksgiving day. I am working and your Dad and the boys will eat with friends later today.I am looking forward to hearing the details of your travel days and safe arrival. Just want you to know I have a thankful heart and I trust the Lord is with you and keeping you safe and guiding you in everything you do.
I love you

MyPeta said...

I miss you, Come back

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